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Table 1 Notation used in this paper

From: The systematic sampling for inferring the survey indices of Korean groundfish stocks




Grid cell. Each grid cell is divided into nine nested grids. See Fig. 1 for the location of grid cell i.


Fish stock

a i

The swept (trawled) area in grid cell i

T i

The area of grid cell i. See Appendix Table 4 for the area of grid cell i.

y si

Number (or weight) of fish stock s, caught by a standard trawl in one of the nine nested grids in grid cell i. This quantity is defined as the sampling unit.


The total number of possible tows in the population area.

Y s

The survey index (in number) of a fish stock s.

B s

The survey index (in weight) of a fish stock s.

d si

Differences between successive sampling units, i.e., dsi = ys, i + 1 − ysi.


The number of the entire tows, which is the sample size.


In this paper, the hat notation is the expected value of a random variable, e.g., \( \widehat{Y_s}\equiv \)E{Ys}